My team owned this match. I died once, but held down the middle of the map and kept the pressure on the other team. Frontline Battle in Call of Duty Mobile. Using a legendary gun with the Grim Reaper Skin on Nuke-town. Thanks for watching, see you guys on the frontline!
There is a secret war being waged over the ownership of your consciousness. There are two sides, The Oritronic (half-light spectrum) verses the Metatronic (full-light spectrum). These two different spirals of Light are synonymous with the fallen universe and the pure universe. The world we know is actually in a space where the two overlap. The Earth is a Simulation and we are all puppets in a three dimensional hologram.
The Greys, Reptillians and Insectoids are all born of this realm, some have adopted full-Light agendas, but these are rare. Aliens are not a threat. Currently their Oritronic universe is in a state of collapse and these beings are looking to mutate their genetics. Their aim is to be granted the opportunity to become ensouled beings and take embodiment in planetary worlds where they may work their way up the evolutionary spiral as all humans are doing.
Interested in becoming a villain, learning forbidden knowledge and helping the Fallen Angels of the Oritronic Spectrum? Send us an email, asking how to get started. (